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Looking To Buy Horticultural Products In The UK?

‘October's poplars are flaming torches

lighting the way to winter.’


(Nova Bair)


Plants can be a huge comfort during the greyest, darkest months on the calendar. Having had a hot summer, however, we’re still due to have a super-colourful autumn.


Palmstead Nurseries make it easier than ever to purchase horticultural products this winter. Based in the historic town of Ashford, we’re close to excellent transport links to the rest of the UK.


Quality plants grown in the heart of Kent: ‘the garden of England’.


Our horticultural products range from Alpine plants, climbers and conifers to evergreen shrubs, ferns, bamboos, bulbs, grasses, topiary, fruits, hedging and much more.

Among our range is Common Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum), a twining climber with mid-green leaves and very fragrant white to yellow flowers.


Both leading producers of nursery stock and having a network of suppliers, Palmstead endeavour to find your perfect horticultural products, whatever it may be. We are based in Kent but deliver plants throughout the UK.


Shopping online is easy with Palmstead Nurseries. We have qualified couriers who will always deliver them safely and securely.


Explore our horticultural products to order in the UK today. Or get in touch for more information on any of our plants.