Looking for Horticultural Products in Kent?
September is here: the time for picking vegetables from your harvest, planting spring flowering bulbs and collecting seeds for next summer. It’s also a great time to pick autumn raspberries, reduce the frequency of watering houseplants, collect and sow seed perennials, and net ponds before leaves get underway.
If you run a garden centre, Palmstead Nurseries have a large range of horticultural products in Ashfield, Kent, which are of the highest quality.
From bamboo and aquatic plants to culinary herbs, grasses and bulbs, we have everything to keep your nursery fully stocked.
If you’re looking for horticultural products in Kent, we have everything to meet the needs of the Landscape and Amenity Industry.
Established 45 years ago, Palmstead Nurseries run a highly efficient, 53-acre site in the heart of Kent.
Located two miles away from Ashford, we are extremely close to a major motorway.
Visit us at our nursery and you’ll find good looking, seasonal stock, topiary specimens, a huge range of tropical plants, tree and tree form shrubs, and everything needed to delight green-fingered customers.
When you purchase plants online, you get a 5% discount. Why not discover more about our horticultural products?
To get in touch simply call (01233) 813340.